Xmas Heptathlon Mon 5th Dec 2011
Xmas Heptathlon Mon 5th Dec 2011
(6-8pm followed by Presentation in Cafe)
Our 6th Annual Sponsored Xmas Heptathlon takes place – indoors on Monday 5th December 2011. It takes place from 6.00pm sharp! It’s a team event and a great evening. All that take part will receive something on the night!
All members are welcome to take part – it’s a great FUN event, where all the athletes have to complete 7 events in 2 hours!
The event is FREE and we just ask that if you can, please raise some money for a very special charity, which this year would be raising money for “Donna and Bolton Hospice”.
Donna, age 43, (who used to be one of the Harriers in her younger days) is also the mum of one of our young athletes, but very sadly, Donna has a terminal illness. There was an article in the Bolton News on Wed 16/11 about Donna and her family and her wishes. We feel it would be great to support Donna and her family this year.
In the past 4 years our young athletes have raised over £ 2,000 for local charities in this event, which is fantastic.
This event is open to the younger athletes from school years of 3 to 10 – we will select the Captains for the night. There will be seven teams with Reindeer names on the night and again we will select who goes in which team etc! Last year we had over 60 enter, so please let me know by e-mail preferably, if you are able to make it? It will be like a little Xmas party!
After the competition, we will go to the Arena Cafe for light refreshments mainly for the kids (all FREE), there may be the bar open too for us older ones!! (This is not free!). There will be a small presentation to the team winners and Captain of the team etc.
Once again, special thanks goes to the HORWICH ROTARY who have very generously provided the trophies, prizes and the food and drink for our young athletes on this night.
If anyone has any younger brothers/sisters who are not yet members, but are old enough to take part, just let me know and we will see what we can do?
HELPERS for the event – please let me know if any of you are able to help out on the night to judge, officiate and mark the scores etc. We will show everyone what to do, so don’t worry!
Hope to see you all there! Don’t forget your Xmas hats!
Kind regards
Mark Dacre
Junior Coach
Horwich RMI Harriers & AC