Membership detail – Members please read

Following the AGM on 21st October, the club has amended the date from when annual subscriptions are due. The date has been changed to the 1st January 2106 (and the 1stJanuary every year after). Annual membership will now run from 1st January to 31stDecember every year.

The club will make its annual submission to England Athletics on 31st March so any member renewing his/her membership AFTER that date will incur an additional Β£5 charge as we will have to make a separate registration. Please spread the news that your current membership will have run for 14 months and everyone should be encouraged to make their payments on time asap after the 1st January. Please can all members complete a renewal form, legibly, and forward to membership secretary making payment by cheque, cash or on-line.

Life Membership

Long standing member of the club, Mary White, with so many local, regional and national awards and records was made a life member at the AGM. Congratulations to Mary.

Peter Ramsdale
