Sunday Run – 12km Rivington
Sunday 30th October 2011
12km run around Rivington, Bolton
Sundays run is 12km fairly flat around Rivington – Starting from Horwich sports centre up to the Pike then down to Pigeon Tower car park to Rivington Reservoir before heading back to the sports centreWith some of us away doing courses and other races this weekend then its just Paul leading, so this will be a single group running at fairly easy and steady pace.
Meet up is at Horwich Leisure Centre at 9:30am.
Route Map
Os Map
Route is mixed road/dry trail so road or trail shoes are fine, one Cat3 hill on the climb up to the Pike, so an easy start to adding in hill work as part of the sunday runs again 🙂
Anyone running then pls drop Paul a txt or mail to here so he knows who is coming (07525 731203)